This Just In: The Latest News From Outer Space

Taught by Michael Hamburg
Michael Hamburg taught in the New York City high schools for over 33 years. During this time he developed an original astronomy curriculum which he then developed into a book for the lay public, entitled Astronomy Made Simple (Doubleday, New York, 1993). He has made many presentations for both the public and professional groups as well as leading star parties. Currently he is a docent and trainer at the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC and is on the part-time faculty of New York University as a field supervisor and mentor in the School of Education for secondary educators of science. His current passion is astrophotography from his own personal observatory in Middlefield, MA.
Combining the latest information and discoveries from astronomy and astrophysics with the latest images of and by telescopes, we will explore the following areas:
- A brief history of humanity’s view(s) of the Universe
- Near Earth environment
- The Moon
- The Sun
- The inner and outer Solar System
- Extrasolar systems
- The search for extraterrestrial life
- Galactic neighborhoods
- The far reaches of the observable universe
- Technology and spaceflight
There will be ample time for lively questions and answers.