The Design Gym Panel | Designing Culture: Strategies for Bringing Creativity to Your Organization

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Taught by The Design Gym

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Creating a culture of innovation is not a one size fits all proposition. In fact, it’s not a question of innovation as much as it is culture change at large, and that looks a little different for everyone. Whether it’s a large scale rollout like IBM’s Design Studio initiatives, a core team of catalysts like Intuit’s famed ‘Design 4 Delight’ initiative, or the many variations of the innovation lab, we’ve seen some creative ways to bring creativity into organizations.

In this panel, we’ll hear from a group of people from wildly different organizations who have pioneered or been a part of design thinking rollout or creative revolution in their organizations.

We’ll dig into:

  • The cultural and business shifts that prompted their actions
  • The vision that guided the efforts
  • Their strategies for encouraging internal adoption
  • The pitfalls they’d avoid next time around
  • The low-barrier tactics that people can start taking back to their orgs immediately

This panel is perfect for those creative leaders responsible for driving these shifts in their organizations, or the change making intrapreneurs making it happen from the ground up.


Each ticket includes access to the intimate event, a catered dinner from Dig Inn, and beer/wine. We believe breaking bread makes for great conversations, so we’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

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