Taught by Russ Ross
Russ Ross employs his training as an astrologer with his decades of tarot experience to
provide comprehensive, yet concise predictive readings. He distills his understanding to
offer students a simple, no-nonsense approach to the tarot system.
By day you can find him hiding behind the lens of his camera as he shoots some of New
York’s finest commercial and residential properties.
*This will be a virtual class hosted via Zoom. Please go ahead and download the Zoom desktop/mobile app ahead of time at Zoom.us/download. You will need your own Tarot deck (like this) to participate in class.*
We’ll dive in deep as we look as some expanded tarot spreads – ones we can use to help us hone in on the important components in any of our pursuits. We’ll explore how to use the cards to divine timing, as well as discuss some best tips and practices when reading the cards. And, of course, do a bunch of readings!
This workshop is best suited for those with a basic or advanced understanding of the
tarot system. For a beginner level class, please refer to Tarot Card Basics.