Street Tree Care 101: How to Help Your Street Trees Thrive

Taught by The Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force
The Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force is a grassroots group that has been providing education and care for street trees in Brooklyn since 2009. We support Prospect Height’s block, merchant and community groups, providing tools, resources and encouraging volunteers to become stewards for the street trees that beautify our neighborhood. Contact the Street Tree Task Force at
Is that tree in front of your building crying out for some TLC? Do you love our city’s street trees but don’t know what you can do to help them? Then join us for a free workshop to learn how you can help your street trees thrive.
We’ll cover the basics of urban tree care with creative ways of watering, improving the soil and beautifying street tree beds. And, we'll cover strategies such as how to get new trees for your block, widen existing tree beds, and even how to become a Licensed Citizen Pruner. Best of all, weather permitting, we will try out some of these techniques on the tree beds right in front of the Brooklyn Brainery!