Sex in the Bible: Those Guys Were Getting it On

Taught by Emily Scott and Mieke Vandersall
Emily Scott is a graduate of Yale Divinity School, and a candidate for ordination in the Lutheran Church (ELCA). She runs St. Lydia's, a dinner church in Gowanus, and plays the trombone. She has her own share of dog-eared novels.
Mieke Vandersall is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in the City of new York and is an out lesbian Presbyterian Pastor (yes, those words can fit in the same sentence). She is the Executive Director of Presbyterian Welcome, a non-profit organization that works for LGBT people in religious settings. She is also beginning a new congregation, titled for the moment as "A (Not So) Churchy Experience." Mieke also plays the fiddle and has an addiction problem with yarn, beads, and mason jars.
Remember how, in middle school, you'd dog ear the "good parts" of a novel and pass it around? Well, in this class we're pretty much gonna do that...but with the Bible.
It turns out the Good Book has plenty of racy bits, and an academic approach to the text will reveal more sex-positive interpretations than you may have come across in Sunday School. From Ruth and Boaz getting down and dirty on the threshing floor, to the steamy poetry of the Song of Solomon, to the gender bending in Paul's letters, our verse-by-verse analysis will blow your mind, make you sound smarter in bars, and get you laid. Okay, maybe not that last part -- but you never know.
(Class size: 15-20, lecture/discussion)