Progressions and Transits

Taught by Russ Ross
Russ Ross employs his training as an astrologer with his decades of tarot experience to
provide comprehensive, yet concise predictive readings. He distills his understanding to
offer students a simple, no-nonsense approach to the tarot system.
By day you can find him hiding behind the lens of his camera as he shoots some of New
York’s finest commercial and residential properties.
Most are familiar with the understanding that an astrological birth chart is snapshot of a moment in time – full of potential. What is less familiar, is that our charts evolve as we continue to grow in life, creating notable events in our lives.
Come explore Progressions – the unfolding of a chart as we age, and Transits – the events of day-to-day, and how these astrological systems impact us. By exploring progressions and transits we can determine when specific events will transpire in our lives.
We’ll discuss the concept behind secondary progressions, scrutinize the alignments of the daily transits as well as review the cycles we work within as we orbit through our experience here on Earth.
A basic understanding of the astrological system is recommended to participate in this class. Please refer to Fundamentals of Astrology for the basics required before working with these systems.
Please fill out this form ( before the class so a chart may be generated and emailed to you. Please provide birth date, time and location (as precise as possible).