Physics in the News: The Physics of Earthquakes, Waves and Atomic Energy

Taught by Daniel
Daniel is Science person turned Design Person. He used to study Physics, then escaped to run a Bio Lab in a Museum. Then he escaped again and went to design school. Now he designs interfaces for devices that have screens.
He occasionally muses about design things on a blog read only by his closest friends. He has lived in two zip codes.
With the events in Japan, there's an opportunity to understand better what's happening in our world and why.
In this class we will cover:
Wave physics and fluid dynamics - so we can understand how tsunamis work and how to avoid them.
The fundamentals of plate tectonics and earth physics - how earthquakes, volcanoes and geology are related
How a nuclear power plant works and why, and how (and if) it is possible to make them safer to run.
This class, like all the rest, meets at 515 Court Street, in Carroll Gardens BK.