Paper Architecture

Taught by Stephanie Beck
Stephanie Beck is a Brooklyn-based artist working with ideas of architecture, maps, and constructed space through cut paper sculptures, installations, and public art events. She has an M.F.A. from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and a B.A. from the University of Virginia. She loves traveling to make site-specific work and has floated a mosque-inspired construction in the Halic in Istanbul and let little paper cabins blow around a prairie in Colorado. To see these and other projects, please visit
Cut, fold, and glue your own ideal paper house! This class plays with basic shapes and forms in paper to create charming paper buildings that can range from simple to sophisticated. Get inspired by the buildings you know by heart or create a fantastic new structure!
First we’ll take a quick look at how contemporary paper artists are inspired by architecture to create amazing works of art. Then we’ll start by creating basic geometric forms in paper, add simple architectural elements, and explore creating interesting interiors. We’ll also play with free-form folding, cutting, weaving, and wrapping to create inspiring, imaginative structures.
You’ll end up with a number of basic three-dimensional paper forms, and 1 – 3 unique paper buildings. Please bring a sturdy box (a shoebox is great) to bring your creations safely home.