OCR 101: Mud and Branding

Taught by Justin T. Manning
Justin T. Manning is a 2016 Obstacle Course Race World Qualifier and the Co-founder of the "Best OCR Blogger" nominated www.Medaladdict.com. With more than twenty(20) obstacle course races such as Spartans Race, Rugged Maniac, and City Challenge race, he is often seen competing in the open, competitive and elite waves. He recently placed 18th overall at the Long Island Rugged Maniac race.
Justin is the Media Chair for the United States Of America Obstacle Course Racing (USAOCR) and served as race host for several Obstacle Course Race companies that has been featured on the YES Network.
No class on Mar 1st!
Have you been curious as to why Obstacle Racing is the new wave? Always wanted to run a mountain while crawling beneath barbed wire, crawl through a lake, or even scaling 10 ft walls?Welcome to the sport of Obstacle Course Racing(OCR), where everyone who joins this community is a winner.
In this class, we'll answer the following questions: