Nothing Dark about the Dark Ages - ONLINE CLASS

Taught by Gabriella Corey
After receiving a degree in the History of Art and Architecture from College of Charleston in 2013, Gabriella moved to Germany to travel and work. In September 2015, Gabriella completed her master’s thesis from the Universtiy of Glasgow on clocks and shfiting temporality in Medieval western art and moved from London back to Germany. In January, she accepted a position with Christie’s Old Master Department and moved to a Success Specialist position at artnet in April. Outside of work, Gabriella’s interests focus around getting lost in new areas of the city, eating cupcakes at every possible opportunity, and reading an incredibly random selection of books.
*This class will meet virtually via Zoom. Download the app at and meeting link will be sent the day before.*
This session will be a fundraiser for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
In this class, we'll explore how the misnomer 'Dark Ages' was incorrectly applied to the 12th-15th centuries.
It was a time of technological, philosophical, and artistic innovation that paved the way for geniuses of the Renaissance like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarotti. Find out about the invention of the mechanical clock, the architectural grandeur of Gothic France, and the literary achievements of Chaucer and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Please join us for a night of debunking high-school text book myths of an exciting and hugely important time in history!