Lo-fi Printing: Block Carving

image courtesy Jessica Kaufman

Taught by Jessica Kaufman
Jessica Kaufman holds a Masters in Crafts Education and leads a wide variety of fiber arts and textile workshops up and down the east coast. Her top-tier teaching topics are knitting, dyeing, felting, and surface design. Formerly of Brooklyn, Jess now lives in Asheville, NC. Find her online at waxonstudio.com & happygocrafty.com.
This is an old class! Check out the current classes, or sign up for our mailing list to see if we'll offer this one again.
This is a quickie lesson in the basics: how to draw your outlined design in a way that facilitates positive & negative space (where the ink will go, and where it won't), reversing letters in your designs so that they read correctly, and super duper lo-fi DIY inking and printing.
Come with simple designs in mind-letters, shapes, whatever you like-we'll carve it out and print it up. No need to bring anything; we supply all the materials.
(class size: 10, super hands on)