Listening Tour: In Search of Early Spring

Taught by Matthew Wills
Matthew Wills has been blogging about urban natural history since 2010 at Backyard and Beyond. He has degrees in film and library science, writes for JSTOR Daily and others, and would prefer to be outside.
Last year we listened to the dawn chorus of spring bird migration and the insect orchestras of summer. Join us on March 19 for a new Listening Tour in which we'll go in aural search of Spring Peepers and American Woodcock.
Spring Peepers are tree frogs: I know of only one place in Brooklyn where we can hear them croaking in chorus. Male Woodcock perform a mating ritual incorporating calls and a sky-flying display at the very cusp of darkness: it's one of the more unusual natural history spectacles in the city.
This will be a twilight walk accessible by public transportation. Dress for the weather (it's always colder there).
Location: Meet at entrance of Aviator Sports, 3159 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234. The Q35 runs down Flatbush from the Brooklyn College terminus of the 2 train.There's lots of parking in front of Aviator.