Legal Rights in the Real World

image courtesy ekonon

Taught by Timothy Rosen

Timothy M. Rosen is an attorney and professor at Queens College. He recently self published his new book 101 Ways To Save America and it has recently been made available at Barnes & Noble.

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In our everyday lives, we encounter all sorts of legal questions and, in many cases, we're not sure of our rights.

In this class, we'll talk about our legal rights in the real world. What if you're pulled over? Can the cops search you car and under what circumstances? If a friend stays at your place for two months, can you just throw them out whenever you please? Or do you need to go to landlord/tenant court? Can you do anything to get your credit card companies off your back? What about your rights at work? Can you be fired for anything or do you have certain rights?  How about your landlord? What if he doesn't make needed repairs? Or what if you get a new job in California and need to break your lease? Can he sue you or will you have any options? 

We will cram this and other REAL WORLD answers into our session. This class will empower you because knowledge is power and now you will know your rights.

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