Kefir 101: Milk to Cheese

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Taught by Daniel

Daniel is Science person turned Design Person. He used to study Physics, then escaped to run a Bio Lab in a Museum. Then he escaped again and went to design school. Now he designs interfaces for devices that have screens.

He occasionally muses about design things on a blog read only by his closest friends. He has lived in two zip codes.

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This class will be part discussion, part demonstration, part tasting. You'll learn how to grow your own Kefir and what you can do with all the Kefir you'll be making. 

Kefir is a tasty, healthy and yogurt-like fermented milk drink enjoyed all over the world under many names. Learn about the history and culture of Kefir, as well as how  to grow and care for a renewable Kefir culture. How much effort will it take to make? How delicious is it? (answers: not much effort and very tasty). At the end of the class you should be able to decide if you want to start growing Kefir and have the know-how to do it.

While Kefir is great on its own or in place of all things like Yogurt, (ie - with fruit and granola), we'll go over other tasty things one can do with Kefir. We'll discuss cheese-making with Kefir: How to make creamy soft cheeses (like goat cheese), camembert-like spreads and feta to other firmer cheeses. Kefir is also great in baking and cooking in place of yogurt or buttermilk, and we'll so go over bread making with your Kefir, as well as great cake, pancake and biscuit recipes to use your Kefir in.


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