Intro to Urban Forestry

image courtesy Jay Woodworth
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Taught by David M.

In both the woods and in the city, David Moore is 100% tree lover and dedicates his life to helping people understand and appreciate all the work that trees do for us.  He has a B.S. in Forestry, a Master's in Environmental Policy, is a Certified Arborist, and is Executive Board Member of the New York State Urband and Community Forestry Council.  He also is also a musician and artist living in Brooklyn.

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Trees and humans are interdependent organisms-- if there were no trees on Earth, there would be no humans on Earth because trees keep our atmosphere and climate within liveable conditions.  Wow!

In the city, there is a technical field called urban forestry that focuses on how to turn trees into green infrastructure!  Trees serve the functions of shading our buildings and decreasing air conditioning usage, absorbing storm water before it runs into our overloaded sewers, and cleaning the air before it reaches our lungs.  While infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and pipes, all decrease in value over time, our urban forest actually increases in value over time as it grows!  .... Mayor Bloomberg is keen to all this and launched MillionTreesNYC as a part of his PlaNYC 2030 plan.

In this class, you will learn:
-a general overview of tree biology
-how trees serve us as "green infrastructure" in the urban context
- the role of urban forestry in city planning and energy conservation
-how to get involved yourself! 

Students will receive literature on how to plant a tree and keep it healthy, and even receive instructions on how to request that the city plant a tree in front of your home.  You will go home feeling prepared and know how to get engaged in your community's urban forest right away!

This class, like all the rest, takes place at the Brainery space at the corner of W. 9th and Court in Carroll Gardens. 

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