Intro to Fermentation: Kvass (Online)

Contraband Ferments
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Taught by Cheryl Paswater

Cheryl Paswater is an Certified Fermentationist , Educator, and Health Coach, who after a near-death experience, turned to holistic medicine for help. After radical diet and lifestyle changes, she started teaching on fermentation, old world food preservation, healthy eating, sustainable food, and holistic health. Cheryl runs a popular fermentation project and CSA called Contraband Ferments. ( She lives in Brooklyn, NY.  


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Kvass is a traditional fermented beverage most popular in the Ukraine and Russia. Commonly kvass is made with rye or beets, however you can make kvass with everything from raspberries and lettuce to cornbread. Through the process of fermentation these ingredients are transformed into into a tangy, sour, salt probiotic beverage.

Recipes included! To make your own Kvass during class, you'll want to have the following materials:

  • 1 large (1 quart or larger) glass or ceramic jar 

  • Non-iodized salt 

  • 1 bunch of beets

  • Optional: leftover juice from cultured fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut.

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