In Defense of Bidets - ONLINE CLASS

Taught by Kimberly Worsham
Kimberly Worsham is a water & sanitation (WASH) specialist in the development industry and founder of FLUSH. She discovered a passion for toilets early as a child who always needed to inspect restaurant facilities, but was reminded of that love while consulting in India, and has continued her love by working on projects in NYC, Australia, Cambodia, Ghana, and Kenya. In different lives, she has worked in local government, corporate marketing, and even taught math in Rwanda. She received her MPA and B.Sc in business at NYU, and a Masters in Integrated Water Management from the University of Queensland as an International WaterCentre Scholar.
*This class will be hosted virtually via Zoom. Please take a few minutes to download the Zoom desktop/mobile app ahead of time at The meeting link will be sent the day before class. A recording of the talk with closed captions can be made available after the talk to enrolled students.*
Did you hear about bidets on Saturday Night Live once, but aren't entirely sure what they are? You're not alone.
Bidets are not a recent phenomenon in the world, but the US has been reluctant to adopt them. A lot of people think they're gross. Others aren't entirely sure what's the point of using a bidet. This class aims to change your mind.
In this class, we will walk through time to learn about the origins of bidets and what other things people use to clean up in the bathroom. We then discuss the benefits - and hangups - of using bidets in the modern urban world. We'll talk about why bidets haven't quite become en vogue in the Americas. We'll talk politely about how to actually use a bidet. And...we'll talk about how to get your landlord okay with you installing a bidet.