Illustrator 101

Taught by Lisa
Check out Lisa's work at:
In this introductory course we will be creating and manipulating vector graphics with Adobe’s latest version of Illustrator (CS5). Start off on the right foot with a slew of time-saving tips and best-practices, and get well on your way to producing those slick logos, diagrams, and illustrations for print and web.
Nitty Gritty:
You will need a laptop, Mac or PC, for this course. If you do not own Illustrator, I suggest downloading the free trail from the Adobe website ( This provides a full version of the program, which lasts for 30 days of use. Along with your computer, bring a mouse or (preferably) a graphics tablet for better control, and whatever ergonomic supports you need for comfy computer work.
We will have a great and geeky time together!
See you at the Brainery space: 515 Court Street, Carroll Gardens BK.