Herbs for the Winter Blues (Online)

Taught by Dawn Petter
With a passion and vast knowledge of herbs and a prolific career in design, Herbalist, Dawn Petter teaches classes about the art of plant based healing. Her classes are imaginative and accessible and are taught to encourage students to use herbal medicine in their daily lives. She incorporates her training from Arbor Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism with her natural creative flare. Dawn works as a Clinical Herbalist and Flower essence Practitioner in NYC and offers in depth consults by appointment. You can also find her, leading herb walks and teaching classes at The New York Botanic Gardens, The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, The Horticultural Society of New York, The 92 Y, and the New York Open Center amongst other places.
Dawn is the creator of Petalune Herbals, a resource for hand crafted herbal skincare and luxury botanical products. To learn more visit www.petaluneherbals.com or contact, dawn@petaluneherbals.com
The darker days of winter can take away some of your sparkle. Learn which herbs and foods can bring more sunshine into your world and keep you buoyant and enlivened when the temperatures dip and the skies are gray. We'll discuss an array of herbs-including lemon balm, St. John's wort, holy basil, and motherwort-and creative ways to use them in food and medicine.
Recipes and demos included!
This is a live, online class via Zoom. The recording will be sent folowing class and viewable for 7 days after class.