Hand-Sewn Summer Tote

Taught by Lesley Ware
Lesley Ware (who was taught to sew at age 4 by her super crafty mother) is a jill of many trades. Lesley is a fashion instructor, artist, zinemaker, former nonprofit program manager with a Master's Public Administration, Fashionable Lady About Town, and blogger. When she's not making things you can find her spending time with her husband, stepson, and cat Nina Bean. Sometimes she writes and posts pretty pictures at www.thecreativecookie.com.
Even if you think you have enough tote bags, you'll want to add this one to your collection.
Using a sprightly array of colored cottons fabrics, heavy-duty thread and a needle, you'll design, pin, cut, and stitch a hand-sewn summer tote.
You'll leave this workshop with the stitching skills and direction needed to create additional tote bag designs to make for yourself or to share with others.
Grab a needle & thread and get "carried" away -- sew fun!
(Class size: 6-8, hands on, no sewing experience needed. We provide all the materials. This is a two-night class, if you finish early be ready to start a new project.)