In Person: Growing Plants Indoors With Science and Magic

Taught by Ben DiMatteo
A true fan of the woods, Ben has logged hundreds of miles solo and group trekking particularly on trails that can be reached from the city by public transportation. His youth in scouting and many adult years spent rediscovering the lost art of woodcraft provide a tried-and-true wealth of knowledge that can't be gleaned from gear reviews or recreation store salespeople. Though he hasn't thru-hiked the AT, he's sure he could.
When in the city, Ben brings the great outdoors inside and teaches several classes on how to make and keep terrariums.
Some Instagram accounts can make it seem like maintaining an indoor garden is a mystic power, gifted to few through divine providence and proportionate to the amount of white paint on the walls.
In reality, the secret to keeping your houseplants green and happy is understanding the science behind their growth and sustenance, and learning to recognize the tell-tale signals that let you know what your plants crave. Of course, it also helps to have a magical device to take the guesswork out of it all.
In this class you will receive such a device, as well as instruction on how to properly wield it. Utilizing that empty flower pot you have lying around, you'll get hands-on experience replanting an exotic yet death-resistant tropical to start your plant collection.
Additionally, you'll learn the basics of plant physiology, proper nutrient usage, common treatments for pests and diseases, and how to pick the right plants for any Brooklyn desert oasis.