Fermented Ice Cream + Popsicles - ONLINE CLASS

Taught by Cheryl Paswater
Cheryl Paswater is an Certified Fermentationist , Educator, and Health Coach, who after a near-death experience, turned to holistic medicine for help. After radical diet and lifestyle changes, she started teaching on fermentation, old world food preservation, healthy eating, sustainable food, and holistic health. Cheryl runs a popular fermentation project and CSA called Contraband Ferments. (www.contrabandferments.com) She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
*This is a live, online class via Zoom*
Spring and Summer are here! Time to make some tasty frozen treats at home using fermentation as your guide! Join us to learn to make your own fermented ice cream and popsicles in this course. We'll share our tricks and tips for making dairy and dairy-free fermented ice cream, as well as our kombucha and water kefir probiotic popsicles.
Cultures will be needed for the fermentation process in this course so we suggest ordering dairy kefir grains along with a kombucha scoby or water kefir grains ahead of time online from Cultures for Health or GEM Cultures.
You don't need to make along with class, but recipes will be provided and you can cook along if you already have a machine on hand! (Ice cream makers are required to make ice cream in general, but you don't need to already have purchased one to take the class, just if you want to make ice cream down the road.)