Felted Soaps

Taught by Jessica Kaufman
Jessica Kaufman holds a Masters in Crafts Education and leads a wide variety of fiber arts and textile workshops up and down the east coast. Her top-tier teaching topics are knitting, dyeing, felting, and surface design. Formerly of Brooklyn, Jess now lives in Asheville, NC. Find her online at waxonstudio.com & happygocrafty.com.
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Make beautiful and sturdy scrubbers, with some simple skills and a lot of hot water.
By wrapping a naked bar of soap in loose carded wool (called roving), we can felt the fibers around the soap and even create waves of colors & designs. When you use the bar in the shower or bath, the wool becomes a built-in washcloth and makes the soap last so much longer than it normally would!
BYO bars of soap, as many as you like, and we'll make at least two per person during class.