Easy Crafts: Tangle Free Headphones

image courtesy ada(:

Taught by Jessica Kaufman
Jessica Kaufman holds a Masters in Crafts Education and leads a wide variety of fiber arts and textile workshops up and down the east coast. Her top-tier teaching topics are knitting, dyeing, felting, and surface design. Formerly of Brooklyn, Jess now lives in Asheville, NC. Find her online at waxonstudio.com & happygocrafty.com.
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This is the perfect craft for non-crafty people. Using colorful thread (embroidery floss, the stuff of friendship bracelets), we'll teach you how to tangle-proof your earbuds. You can use the same color for the whole thing, but you'll also learn how to do stripes of all sizes, how to switch colors, how to do a barbershop pole type of swirly design, and how to tie off your ends in a secure and tidy fashion.
We'll tie knots, listen to music, chat, and send you on your way to finish your project at home (or on the train, or at work... we won't judge you.)