Dreamcatchers: the Ultimate Summer Camp Craft

image courtesy Gayle Tabor

Taught by Jessica Kaufman
Jessica Kaufman holds a Masters in Crafts Education and leads a wide variety of fiber arts and textile workshops up and down the east coast. Her top-tier teaching topics are knitting, dyeing, felting, and surface design. Formerly of Brooklyn, Jess now lives in Asheville, NC. Find her online at waxonstudio.com & happygocrafty.com.
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This summer camp staple is actually a pretty nifty skill to have -- we'll use thin round reed to make a beautiful twisted ring of any size you like, and then learn the proper way to tension waxed linen to create the "web," adding any special beads or trinkets that have meaning to you.
Bring feathers, beads, that one earring that lost its partner, shells, or whatever you'd like to hang from your bedpost (or wherever).
(class size: 12, hands on)