Developing Your Intuition

Taught by Nicole Holst
Nicole Holst is a lifelong intuitive, professional tarot reader and spiritual life coach who has done hundreds of readings with validated accuracy. She believes Tarot is a powerful tool to see your intuition on paper and that it empowers you to make decisions aligned with your greatest potential by making your subconscious conscious. (Carl Jung believed this too!) Nicole encourages everyone to learn the art of Tarot as a way to tap into your soul for answers and direction on your unique journey. As she says, “The cards never lie.” See more about Nicole and her philosophy on Tarot, plus common myths debunked, at Nicole is available for personal readings, private parties, corporate events, and online group readings. Email her to learn more at
Have a hard time making important decisions? Feel unsure about what your gut instincts are trying to tell you? Do you feel called in a new direction but not sure you can trust it? In this class, you’ll learn how to quiet your mind and listen to what your soul is telling you to strengthen your connection to your inner being. By developing your intuition, you open the door to more than you imagined to be possible in your life. Learn how to sense, trust and follow the subtle guidance of your intuition to lead you to your most fulfilling life path and your deepest desires.
What You’ll Learn in this Class:
How to recognize and sense your intuition so you can make confident decisions for your highest good
Learn the 5 “clairs” and practice exercises for developing the different ways your soul communicates with you
How to tell the difference between your mind (ego) vs. intuition (soul) to make more aligned choices for your future
The 3 most common barriers to hearing your intuition and how to quiet your mind to hear what your soul wants you to know
How to begin trusting and following your intuition as a daily practice that leads to your most expansive life!
There will be time at the end for Q & A and it will be interactive throughout with plenty of time for participation and sharing.
Bring a journal or pen and paper to take notes and journal your thoughts.