Depictions of Demonology in Medieval Western Art

By unknown (Markusmaler) - Ottheinrich-Bibel, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 8010, Public Domain,
60b70389 seeable

Taught by Gabriella Corey

After receiving a degree in the History of Art and Architecture from College of Charleston in 2013, Gabriella moved to Germany to travel and work. In September 2015, Gabriella completed her master’s thesis from the Universtiy of Glasgow on clocks and shfiting temporality in Medieval western art and moved from London back to Germany. In January, she accepted a position with Christie’s Old Master Department and moved to a Success Specialist position at artnet in April. Outside of work, Gabriella’s interests focus around getting lost in new areas of the city, eating cupcakes at every possible opportunity, and reading an incredibly random selection of books.

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Ever wonder why demons, devils, ghouls and goblins are always depicted with horns, tails and other spooky appendages? In Depictions of Demonology, you will learn about the artistic, religious, and psychological origins of Hell, the devil and demons. In addition, we'll explore the ways torment and misery have been depicted across geographical and chronological lines. 

Just in time for Halloween, join us as we talk about the artistic history of demonology and how it was used as propaganda by the Catholic church.

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