Coolness, Charisma, and Allure
Taught by LeeAnn
Dr. LeeAnn Renninger is the founder of LifeLabs New York, an incubator for good ideas on everyday living. She’s an urban ethologist/ social psychologist who has timed New Yorker walking speeds, tracked hair-part patterns, and created 5-sense learning adventures in cities around the world
In this one-night course, Dr. LeeAnn Renninger, Urban Ethologist and Director of Lifelabs New York, will take us on an interactive adventure & brainstorming session into the many facets of coolness, to ask what coolness really means to you.
Why do some people, ideas, and words captivate our attention and leave a lingering footprint long after encountering them? What's the difference between glamour, allure, and charisma? How do scientists study each?
We'll learn about the fascinating field of urban ethology, try out some miniature coolness & allure experiments – in movement, persuasion, and conversation skills, and maybe increase our own expertise in the process.
This class meets at The Gowanus Studio Space, 166 7th Street, Brooklyn.