Coffee Around the World

image courtesy anthony_p_c
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Taught by Neal Ungerleider

Neal Ungerleider's day job is as a reporter for Fast Company magazine. When not writing about technology or computer hackers, his food writing has been published in Saveur, Foreign Policy and Wired.

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Coffee is one of the world's beloved beverages. However, the cup of coffee you drink in New York is probably much different from what they drink in Cairo, Rome or Hong Kong.

American-style drip coffee is only one way of preparing coffee. There's also Turkish coffee (which isn't just limited to Turkey), Yemeni white coffee, and Indian masala coffee. Hundreds of millions of people around the world adore (ugh) instant coffee, but the Greeks have turned it into a milkshake. Even espresso, that other coffee standby, has its own international variants: How about an Australian Flat White or a Cortado?

Come join us on a sample of coffee styles from around the world. Samples, of course, will be provided.

(Class size: 12-15)

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