Buzzard Day Comes to Brooklyn

Taught by Sarah Lohman
Sarah Lohman is a culinary historian and the author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed book Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine. She focuses on the history of American food as a way to access stories of women, immigrants, and people of color, and to address issues of racism, sexism, and xenophobia. Her work has been featured inTheWall Street Journal andThe New York Times, as well as onAll Things Considered; and she has presented across the country, from the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, DC to The Culinary Historians of Southern California. She is also 1/2 of the Masters of Social Gastronomy, a monthly food science and history talk at Caveat NYC, with Brainery co-founder Jonathan Soma.
You're all invited to come on down to the Brainery for a good old fashioned craft fair and pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 18th. (This is drop in style, by the way, no one's going to make you hang out for 5 hours.)
Admission includes breakfast (all-you-can-eat pumpkin cornmeal and regular) games (involving bean bags), a raffle ticket, and the chance to hang out with some other really nice people. Get your tickets in advance, we likely won't have any at the door.
Why? Buzzards, obviously.
Hinckley, Ohio is a small town with a bizarre holiday: Buzzard Day.
The legend of this festival stretches back nearly 200 years, to the great Hinckley Hunt of 1818. Because of a sudden freeze during the hunt, the townsfolk were forced to leave behind piles of rotting animal carcasses all winter. But when those rotting corpses thawed in the spring, magic happened: flocks of turkey vultures descended upon the small town to devour the fetid flesh.
To this day, buzzards still return to Hinckley on March 15th. The following Sunday is affectionately known as "Buzzard Sunday" and draws a crowd of thousands to the local elementary school for all you can eat pancakes, games, and crafts. This year, we’re bringing the tradition to Brooklyn.
Raffle prizes generously donated by Black Gold Records and Butter Me Up Brooklyn. You'll have the chance to purchase the awesome handmade jewelry of We Are Here, and way more!