Art Crime: Thefts, Forgeries, Vandalism and More

image courtesy Dusty J
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Taught by Leila Amineddoleh

Leila A. Amineddoleh is an art and cultural heritage lawyer and professor. She works with artists, musicians, art collectors, dealers, and cultural institutions. She writes extensively on topics related to art and cultural heritage, and is passionate about the protection of art. Although not an art criminal herself, Leila plays a mean piano. 

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Did you know that Hitler was rejected from art school? Did you know that the Mona Lisa was once stolen from the Louvre and went missing for two years? Do you think Banksy should be arrested for vandalism? Fancy yourself to be the next Indiana Jones? Well, consider that the film hero is probably the most famous fictional tomb-raider, not honorable by today’s archaeology standards. And did you ever consider delving into art collecting? Well, remember that the art market is full of high-priced forgeries that fool even museum curators.

This class will give you an overview of art crime, from famous thefts, graffiti art, ingenious forgers, obsessed dictators, and the current situation in the Middle East involving vandalism, destruction, and looting. We’ll investigate some of the most interesting cases of art crime, and discuss the importance of protecting art.

This class is for art lovers, art haters, and those interested in a good crime story. At the end, you will be guaranteed to have the most interesting tales to tell at upcoming cocktail parties and museum visits.

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