Arduino? ArduinYes: Arduino for the Aspirant

Cc0260ef seeable

Taught by Adam Dowis

Adam Dowis is a fixer and maker. He’s been repairing electronics, houses, cars, what have you since 8-tracks were alive. His clocks, lamps and furniture are made largely of trash, with the odd Arduino thrown in. In the ’90’s he had a stage show, Science Fixin’s, where he demonstrated science principles before unruly bar patrons.

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Wherefore Arduino? Do I need it? Can I eat it? (Spoiler alert: No). Arduino is the new hot glue of the maker/crafter/entrepreneur world and you should know about it.  

This zippy class will take people with no knowledge of electronics or computing and lead them to an understanding of what Arduino is, does, when you might need one, and how to start using it.

We will cover some electronics, basic computing, and the how and why of micro-controllers.  There will be mention of Arduino alternatives (Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, etc.). We will delve into inputs, outputs, sensors and practice applications. We'll see projects that use Arduinos. Finally, web resources will be discussed. 

Students are invited to bring their computers loaded with Arduino 1.0.6 software ( but it's very optional.

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