Amazing True Tales of the Golden Age of Music Video (1976-1993)

Taught by Stephen Pitalo
Stephen Pitalo is a veteran entertainment journalist and music video historian who frequently speaks on the history of music video, presenting multimedia talks at the Philly Music Video Festival, RE:MIX Four Festival in NYC, NYC Nerd Nite, Memphis Music Video Showcase, Sprockets Music Video Festival in Athens (GA), and Videology in Brooklyn. His company MUSIC VIDEO TIME MACHINE produces throwback music video events in New York, and he currently writes a book/blog on the Golden Age of Music Video (1976-1993).
Marvel at these untold stories of how directors & artists created the iconic music videos that we know and love.
From his interviews with more than 70 music video directors & artists from MTV's biggest decade, Stephen Pitalo has uncovered spectacular, unbelievable behind-the-scenes stories as this medium evolved from a unique art form/filmmaking opportunity that saved the music business into a billion dollar industry that changed the cultural landscape.