A Long Look at a Landscape

image courtesy Lisa Nett

Taught by Lisa Nett
Lisa hails from the tree filled state of Wisconsin. She studied forestry at UW-Madison, and the art of firewood stacking on the family dairy farm. She rolls through the city streets on a trusty Schwinn while sneaking peeks at the passing trees. Check out Lisa's tree-focused Tumblr, The Tree Seen, or follow her on Twitter, @lisa_nett.
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There are things
We live among 'and to see them
Is to know ourselves.'
- George Oppen, "Of Being Numerous"
In this outdoor walk around the Propsect Heights area, we will explore what is a landscape and how it came to be.
We will look for clues from the distant past, near present, and possible future. We will take a thoughtful look at elements from the natural world right in front of us.