A Game of Thongs: The Dirty Truth of the Ancient World

Taught by Carly Silver
By day, Carly Silver works as an assistant editor at a major publishing house. By night, she's ancient historian and who has written for publications like Atlas Obscura, Archaeology magazine, Folklore Thursday, and Ranker.com. Carly is currently the managing editor and a contributor for HistoryBuff.com; from 2014 to 2016, she also served as the ancient history expert for About.com.
Get underneath the ancients’ togas and chitons in this class, which will explore the dirty, sexy secrets behind the greatest figures in antiquity.
The ancient Romans used whips and chains in religious rituals and to get pregnant. Greek courtesans flashed juries and served as models for statues. Ancient Egyptian royals married siblings (that's why King Tut probably had so many problems) and went almost nude. From ancient underwear to weird kinds of contraception, come learn the dirty, sexy secrets of antiquity.