2025 Vision Board Crafting & Personal Tarot Readings

Taught by Nicole Holst
Nicole Holst is a lifelong intuitive, professional tarot reader and spiritual life coach who has done hundreds of readings with validated accuracy. She believes Tarot is a powerful tool to see your intuition on paper and that it empowers you to make decisions aligned with your greatest potential by making your subconscious conscious. (Carl Jung believed this too!) Nicole encourages everyone to learn the art of Tarot as a way to tap into your soul for answers and direction on your unique journey. As she says, “The cards never lie.” See more about Nicole and her philosophy on Tarot, plus common myths debunked, at www.followyoursoulpath.com. Nicole is available for personal readings, private parties, corporate events, and online group readings. Email her to learn more at nicole@followyoursoulpath.com.
Vision boards are magic manifestation tools that help make it clear to the Universe what you want to attract and are a lot of fun to make. Set your intentions for the New Year while getting a personal tarot reading! Join us to mine your soul for answers about what is most important to you.
How to Prepare for Class:
We will supply the poster board, scissors, and gluesticks, along with some magazines. Please bring images, quotes or magazines that inspire you to paste onto your board.
While you are crafting, Nicole, a lifelong intuitive and tarot reader will be available to give you a private personal tarot reading to clarify your current energy and provide insight on what you can do to align your energy to your dreams next year. You will be amazed when you look back and see all you manifested!