Upcycled Aprons

Taught by Lesley Ware
Lesley Ware (who was taught to sew at age 4 by her super crafty mother) is a jill of many trades. Lesley is a fashion instructor, artist, zinemaker, former nonprofit program manager with a Master's Public Administration, Fashionable Lady About Town, and blogger. When she's not making things you can find her spending time with her husband, stepson, and cat Nina Bean. Sometimes she writes and posts pretty pictures at www.thecreativecookie.com.
Upcycling is a creative way to make one-of-a kind clothing while reducing your carbon footprint.
Using two men's long sleeved button-down shirts, heavy-duty thread, and a needle, you'll design, pin, cut, and stitch a hand-sewn apron.
You'll leave this class with the skills needed to create upcycled designs and simple do-it-yourself clothing transformations on your own (think turning formless clothes into functional fashion!).
Unplug and grab a needle & thread -- sew fun!
(Class size: 8-10, hands on, no sewing experience needed. This is a two night class, if you finish early be ready to start a new project. You'll need to bring 2 men's button up shirts with you.)