Truth and Illusion

image courtesy BotheredByBees

Taught by Declan Schweitzer

Declan is a Graduate student at the New School for Social Research in Manhattan. Born in Los Angeles, Declan has been studying philosophy in New York for 6 years. His work is currently focused on the concept of illusion as it has been deployed in the history of western philosophy. He is also currently exploring his interest in aesthetics and design by teaching at Parsons in the Design Studies department.

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What is Truth? Today, it is all too easy to forget how fragile the idea of truth is. With the rise of science and mathematics after the enlightenment, the concept of truth seemed to become grounded exclusively in empirical reality. Some however, are still skeptical.

The notion that an illusion is a constitutive component of 'truth' is an idea that has existed through many generations of philosophy and is present even today. We will investigate different ideas about how truth and illusion are related and explore the merits of some ideas that undermine the established concept of truth given by modern science.

(lecture + discussion)

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