The Story of Milk & Cookies

Taught by Nicole Brownstein
Nicole is what some would call a "foodie," but she is an acceptable type of foodie, meaning she is not pretentious and won't judge you when you eat that fourth bowl of ramen. She interns in public radio and moonlights as a soda jerk in between her grad school classes and beekeeping seminars. I guess you could call her a busy beekeeper.
Remember your childhood? Coming home to a glass of cold milk and warm chocolate chip cookies that your mom just made? Yeah, that wasn't my life either, but the California Dairy Council sure makes me nostalgic for days I never knew.
In this class, we'll explore the history, political economy, racialization, and sexualization of milk and cookies. We'll look at everything from Byzantine depictions of the Madonna to Got Milk ads to understand how Western cultures view food and why advertisements are so pervasive in our diets. Plus, there will be snacks.