Queer Poets & Poetry

Taught by Britt Gambino
Britt Gambino's poetry is published or is forthcoming in anderbo, decomP, The Boiler, SpringGun Press, and Armchair/Shotgun, among others. One of her essays was also recently published in the anthology Museum of Broken Relationships - A Diary (Vol. 2). Britt is occasional contributor at The Sexy Feminist and previously served as the Associate Poetry Editor at The Doctor T.J. Eckleberg Review. She works and teaches at Gotham Writers Workshop, and earned her MFA in Poetry from The New School. You can read more about Britt at her website.
Just in time for New York Gay Pride, we bring you QUEER POETS & POETRY!
We'll study poems that are both explicitly (and not so explicitly) queer in context. Of course, queer poems aren't just about hot, titillating gay erotica (but rest assured, there will be some of that, too!)--they're also about forging new territory--politically, emotionally, and socially.
Poets to be discussed include Frank O'Hara, Marilyn Hacker, Allen Ginsberg, Adrienne Rich, and others. You'll analyze their words while simultaneously learning about their lives.
How do these poets reconcile their queer identities in their work?
How do they approach the political and social landscapes of their day?
In the second half of the class, each student will write their own poem. Students can model their pieces after one of the poets we examine in class.
This class is intended for all levels of experience and sexual identities.