Introduction to Microbiology

Taught by Sara Moldofsky
Sara majored in Microbiology at University of Maryland and found her way into teaching middle school science in Manhattan. Though many people do not understand this choice, she actually likes the 7th graders. Brooklyn Brainery is just one more step in her evil mission is to infect everyone with a love for science and independent thought.
Do you ever wish that you could go back in time to take a semester of college science? Ever wish that you could do it all in one evening? Now you can with Intro to Microbiology, an entire semester condensed into one fascinating evening for all you accelerated learners.
We'll cover all the basics of those captivating single celled organisms - bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
When you think of viruses, do you picture the angular capsule perched atop the stalk with spindly legs? Well that's actually a virus that only infects bacteria, and human viruses look quite different!
Do you want to know exactly how long you can leave that pizza on the counter before it becomes overrun with E. coli? You'd better consider attending this class. Come with questions, come excited, and come for an engaging evening into a world you can't see but could potentially kill you...or save your life.