Fortunetelling for Lovers

Taught by Aidinha Gaxiola-Karney
Aidinha has been reading tarot cards for a variety of clients for over fifteen years. She has been interpreting cloud shapes and the rustling of leaves in the wind for even longer.
Fortune telling is all about using your imagination and not taking things too seriously to explore and gain insight to life’s conundrums. In this class, we'll learn how to use the scrying object (e.g. tarot deck, crystal ball, tea leaves, etc.) of your choice to identify and interpret love and relationship symbols.
You'll have plenty of time to practice with a partner (or lover!) and perhaps ponder the most popular fortunetelling question of all time, “Who is my soul mate?” More importantly, you'll learn how to listen and develop a meaningful exchange that can help the querent (person asking a question) find the answer they have been looking for.
Don’t have a scrying object? Sure you do! Almost anything can be used for scrying. Objects that generate random patterns are best for beginners- such as a pile of dried beans, a deck of playing cards, or loose buttons, an unused stamp collection... seriously, almost anything. There will also be extra tarot decks and tea leaves on hand for you to try out if you aren't able to bring your own.