Drawn to Trees: Evergreens Cemetery

Taught by Lisa Nett
Lisa hails from the tree filled state of Wisconsin. She studied forestry at UW-Madison, and the art of firewood stacking on the family dairy farm. She rolls through the city streets on a trusty Schwinn while sneaking peeks at the passing trees. Check out Lisa's tree-focused Tumblr, The Tree Seen, or follow her on Twitter, @lisa_nett.
No class on June 24th!
Take a closer look at bark, tree shape, twigs and whatever else captures your arboreal ardor and start sketching! There will be a crash course in tree identification with opportunities to draw some of those tree details.
What to bring: A small sketchbook and your favorite pen or pencil.
We'll meet at The Evergreens Cemetery (www.theevergreenscemetery.com) and exact instructions will be sent the day before the walk.