Storytelling on the Radio

Taught by Jennifer Mattson
Jennifer Mattson is a former radio producer for "The Connection" and worked as an editor for National Public Radio. She spent over six years as a producer for CNN, where she was responsible for CNN's daily live newscasts and producing CNN's international coverage. Jennifer came to CNN to work in the Washington bureau's political unit during the 1996 U.S. presidential election. She later moved to Atlanta, where she worked first as a writer and then as a newscast producer at CNN International. Prior to joining CNN, Jennifer worked as a reporter based in Budapest, Hungary covering Eastern Europe, where she reported on a number of regional stories for USA TODAY including a piece on George Soros and the Clinton-Yeltsin CSCE Summit. She has also reported, most recently, from Asia. Her work has appeared in, USA TODAY, The Boston Globe, The Women's Review of Books,, and She is the former Managing Editor of Follow her on Twitter at @jennifermattson
Storytelling is something we all do, and public radio is one of the best places to do it. From personal essays to memoir and satire, radio is a perfect place for storytellers to pitch and air their funniest, wackiest tales from everyday life.
Whether it's the distinct voice of This American Life or the fast-paced daily news of All Things Considered, learning to tell stories on the radio begins with the writing. Problem is most people don't know enough about broadcast to navigate theirway through the NPR system, no less a radio script.
In this one-night course, you will learn the basics of how to write for the ear, how to craft a story for the radio, and how to turn your ideas into a radio script that will make it on air. There will be an opportunity for you to receive feedback as well as share your thoughts with others. Taught by an instructor who was a producer for NPR's nationally syndicated program "The Connection” and a six-and-a-half-year producer for CNN.